This page is dedicated to the works of students of Building Technology. Here you can find what goes on in different courses of the master track and get an insight into what building technology has to offer. The works are intellectual property of the students and should not be reproduced or used without their consent and due credits.
BT Bundle
A publication composed by Praktijkvereniging BouT, the study association of the master track Building Technology at the TU Delft. The BT Bundle showcases thesis’ made by our graduates. This bundles includes work from students graduated during the academic year of 2019-2020 & 2020-2021.
We would like to thank all the students who voluntarily took the time to create their contributions and for trusting their hard work in our hands. Furthermore, we hope that everyone who is reading this will gain more insight into the master degree Building Technology and might even be inspired by the diverse projects and subjects.