Practice association BouT, TU Delft, has organized the second edition of the BT Series. An afternoon filled with inspiring lectures. The second edition, with the theme “Cutting Edge Innovations II” will take place on the 26th of March, between 13:45-17:00 in room K, faculty of architecture TU Delft.
The goal of the BT Series is to give the Building Technology and Architectural Engineering Master students, and others who are interested, an idea of the opportunities on the market after graduation.
Are you curious about your possibilities after graduation, and what your future tasks within a company can be? Do you want to get in touch with professionals from companies in your sector? Or are you searching for a (graduation) internship or your first job?
During the BT Series speakers of different innovative businesses will show you their state of the art projects and/or developments. During the afternoon there will be the possibility to speak with the lecturers in person or to ask them questions.
On the 26 of March there will be inspiring lectures on Morph & 3D Print Canal House by Heijmans, het Mauritshuis by Arup and Business & Sportscentre Mostar by 4D Architects/Booosting! The lectures will be moderated by Prof. dr. ir. W.A. Poelman.
This event is open for everyone! You don’t have to apply for this event, but we would appreciate it if you’d send an e-mail to btseries@praktijkverenigin
We hope to welcome you on the 26th of March!
Pasquale, Koen & Maya