If you become a member of Praktijkvereniging BouT, you gain access to an extensive network of students, alumni, PhD students, academic staff (of the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft), and corporate businesses. As a member, you can also participate in events throughout the year such as case days, lecture series, excursions, and study trips abroad. To keep you up to date about our events and everything happening in and around the Building Technology program and department, plus read interesting articles from alumni and professionals, you also gain access to all the issues of our RuMoer magazine throughout your membership.
Please select the type of membership you are applying for:
* Student – €15 per year
* Alumni – €30 per year
* Academic Staff – €30 per year
* Companies, Organisations & Associations – Please contact us or find more info here.
If you are a student, YOU are in luck. Scan the QR Code!